rhsmcertd: Periodically scans and updates the entitlement certificates on a registered system. Red Hat provides content updates and support by issuing subscriptions for its products. These subscriptions are applied to systems (machines). Red Hat Subscription Manager is a tool which allows administrators to manage those subscriptions by registering systems and people, applying subscriptions, and viewing subscriptions.
Check if rhsmcertd service is running on the host:
systemctl status rhsmcertd
#if not running then start it.
systemctl start rhsmcertd
subscription-manager refresh
rhsmcertd rely on the /etc/rhsm/rhsm.conf file and the information will reflect within the time period specified for autoAttachInterval
If above does not help then follow below:
Login to satellite portal > Administrator > Settings > Puppet > Update environment from facts > yes
Update the facts from the host:
subscription-manager facts --update
subscription-manager facts --list
If both the above solutions does not help then run below command to update the pulp database on Satellite server:
foreman-rake katello:reimport